20 April 2008

The high prices of oil offered an opportunity to purchase shares of energy companies

The high prices of oil offered an opportunity to purchase shares of energy companies. This week in Europe has reported the discovery of the third largest reservoir of history by the company Petrolifera "Repsol YPF." During the coming months the companies least affected their accounts of the results will be oil and electric companies. In Europe the renewable energy sector is growing and their exposure to economies bassists is minimal.

European Companies Electric

Iberdrola (IBE) IBEX 35-SPAIN
Iberdrola Renewable (IRE) IBEX 35-SPAIN
E.on (eong) DAX-GERMANY
Elec. De France (EDF) CAC40-FRANCE

Iberdrola has a high financial debt due to the acquisition of Electric Power Scotish. Its growth is high and its subsidiary of renewable energy is growing.

Enel is making the full implementation of its acquisition (Endesa) and its best results will take for 2010.

The German giant E.on, you need to buy any of the European candidates available to continue its growth process, if not, they risk stagnation.

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